Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yeti lose on the river

Me have weekly poker game with friends, Yeti and old human named DB. Bigfoot no understand the rules that well, even though me watch the poker shows on TV. All 78 of them. Me especially like one hosted by the human from Kids in the Hall. Bigfoot wonder what happened to his career.

Human friend DB is funny, he live in cave just like Bigfoot! DB give me stuff for my cave, like icebox and heaters and track lighting. DB is Bigfoot's only human friend, but Yeti no like DB, since DB always win at poker. Last night, Yeti went all in but lost on the river. Yeti then get mad and turn over poker table. DB say it's OK for Yeti to lose to a famous person, Yeti say "Anyone portrayed on screen by Treat fucking Williams barely qualifies as famous". DB then get mad and and try leave, but Yeti say he's sorry so DB stays.

After DB leave later on, Yeti say "Y'know, I'd kill that asshole with my bare hands if he wasn't our only connect."


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