Thursday, March 23, 2006

Theeeeere-eere-ere-ai-er, they're still alive

Yeti say "it's about fucking time."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Yeti no think James Blunt is beautiful

He say "How the hell did this guy get as far as he as? He looks like a cross between Prince Charles and Napoleon Dynamite, and sings like a braying donkey (which wouldn't be so bad if the sing-like-a-donkey market hadn't already been cornered by noted pussy-rocker Dave Matthews. And David Gray. And the nine million other white singer/songwriters who have the same schtick)...Believe me, I'd rather listen to you and Sasquatch having sex; it may sound like the gutteral cries of rutting mules, but at least I can rub one out to it."

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Humps

Me watched the Oscars last night, thought John Stewart did capable job, if a little tame. Me also think the interpretive dancing during the songs were humiliating for both the producers and the performers. Do any humans really like that kind of dancing? If so, Bigfoot have yet to meet one.

Yeti say "I loved the irony of 'Brokeback Mountain' getting reemed by the Academy...Get it? Reemed? See, it's funny to say 'reemed' because of all the butt-sex in the movie, and...ah, forget it. Nobody gets me."