Friday, November 25, 2005

Norman Rockwell is for chumps

Me decide to host a big human-style Thanksgiving dinner this year, and invited Sasquatch, DB, Yeti, and Goatsucker to Bigfoot's cave (me know better than to get all of them in room at same time, but Bigfoot get lonely during the holiday season). DB suggested that we make the dinner "pot-luck," which means that everyone who comes brings food to eat. Me thought that sounded like a good idea, especially since me don't really have anything to cook with besides a firepit, some wooden sticks and a Foreman Grill.

Goatsucker was the first one to arrive, but he no bring food; when me ask why, he just look at me like me was crazy and start drinking wine. Yeti come a few minutes later, throws some Nilla Wafers on the table, mumbles something about his stove not working and start smoking Moldy Gold out of Bigfoot's corn-cob bong while playing Xbox (he can do both at same time, Bigfoot is impressed by this). Sasquatch came next, and she bring something she call "Tri-Cities Casserole," which included ground turkey, tater tots and Cream of Mushroom soup (Sasquatch say "from what I can tell, all human casseroles have Cream of Mushroom soup in them. It's like the white-trash equivalent of a truffle sauce"). Finally, DB show up with stuffing, yams, and a huge turkey which he say he shot himself the day before ("Yeah, right" Yeti say, blowing out a stream of smoke, "QFC has a turkey range now?")

Everything was going very well while we cooked the food, no one was fighting or hurting each other, and DB even played Xbox with Yeti. But when we finally sit down to eat, DB suggests that we say a prayer in support of the human troops who are overseas; this offends Goatsucker (who is drunk), so he says to DB that the best prayer to support the troops is a prayer for Bush to die soon. This make DB very mad, and him and Goatsucker start fighting about the war and politics and everything else. While this is happening, Yeti (who is stoned) puts empty beer bottles on the end of his fingers, clicks them together and begins chanting "DB the Bushie, sitting in a tree. Hump-ping the Re-pub-li-can par-ty" over and over and over again. All this fighting make Sasquatch mad, so she keep turning the music louder and louder to try and get them to stop. But that makes them yell even louder, and all the music and the yelling and the casserole start hurting Bigfoot's head and made me want to smash things ("I don't blame you," Yeti would later say, "throw in an semi-androgynous Chinese boy lighting firecrackers, and you've pretty much got the scene from 'Boogie Nights' where they go to Alfred Molina's house, but with worse music").

Eventually, DB flip over his plate, yells "Fuck this, I'm out of here" and leaves the cave, smacking Goatsucker on the back of the head on his way out. Me feel bad and start to go after him, but Yeti say to "let him go, more Nilla Wafers for the rest of us. And Sasquatch, can we finally turn down the fucking jazz? I thought it was supposed to be just a few of his favorite things, not his whole goddamn grocery list. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Coltrane and all, but Jesus Christ, sometimes these guys go to places that bore the shit out of me. What, do they think that...hey, where did she go? " Sasquatch no longer hear him, as she had already gotten mad and left. Sasquatch can only take so much of Yeti's whole anti-jazz shtick.

Later, we watch terrible human movie named "Stealth;" Yeti say we should consider it an atonement for having so much while others have so little, and besides, it was the next movie in his queue. Goatsucker call Yeti a Netflix whore, and then Yeti call Goatsucker a film snob, and then Goatsucker attacks Yeti, who throws Goatsucker to the ground and starts laughing. Goatsucker gets up, grabs the last bottle of wine and stumbles out of the cave, saying he had better things to do than to hang around with a "couple of hirsute assholes."

"Well," says Yeti, looking at me, "you've managed to ruin another Thanksgiving. Now could you please shut the fuck up and get me the bong? And there better be some Nilla Wafers left."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Who knows what tomorrow brings?

Yeti can't wait for Xbox
The Xbox 360
Yeti can't wait for Xbox
I hope he plays with me!

Yeti get stoned, all night long
Get his Xbox, sing this song
Project Gotham Number 3
And don't forget Call of Duty!

Yeti can't wait for Xbox
The Xbox 360
Yeti can't wait for the Xbox
I hope he plays with me!

$540 clams from Costco
You know that it ain't cheap
But it will well be worth it
When we are losing sleep (from playing)

Yeti can't wait for Xbox
The Xbox 360
Yeti can't wait for the Xbox
I hope he plays with me!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Yeti no like "Crash"

Me and Yeti watch human film "Crash" last night. Me think it was OK, but Yeti say it was "2 excruciatingly dull hours of people acting like ignorant racists. Kind of like a Trent Lott family dinner, only less entertaining."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This Wheel's On Fire (the Dylan version, not the one from Ab-Fab)

Well, you finally did it, didn't you. You took this poor, sweet, naive beast, and broke his spirit. How dare you. How dare you! But know this; he will be back. And when he is back, there will be fucking hell to pay. And by you, I mean you, those who stand idly by and allow this abuse to go unanswered.

Confused? Let me enlighten you. I am referring to the response sent by an "Earl Fando" to an earlier post of Bigfoot's, which can be seen here; if you have not read it yet, click the word 'here' I just typed 16 words ago. Go ahead. It won't take but a sec. Done? Did you read the poem, which I begrudgingly admit was enjoyable? You did? OK. Let's move on.

In case you did not grok the gist of the post, it appears as if Mr. Fando is under the misguided impression that my spiritual brother is not who he claims to be. And as if that wasn't cause enough for retort, he insinuated that Yeti is also an impressionaro. The gall! The balls! The sheer chutzpah! What's the next myth that Mr. Fando will try to debunk? Myself? Sasquatch? The free lunch? Fie I say. Fie!

And where is Bigfoot now, you might ask? Sasquatch, DB and Yeti are trying to get him back to reality; he's talking now, although all he can say is "human with pretty words confuse bigfoot" over and over again (to be honest, it's closer to "hoomnb wit purty wrrds cnfse bgfoot", but that's not important). What is important is that the few humans who read this site defend this poor brute from the oncoming hordes of barbaric doubters who clamor at the gate, no matter how silvered their tounges may be (only Grundy had the good nature to post some kind of response, though it I would hardly call it a ringing defense, I am sorry to report).

Well, as much fun as this has been (and it wasn't), I now need to go and feed, as the simple act of typing this has awoken my thirst for fresh blood. But before I go, I would just like to add that you see a lot, Dr. Fando, but are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? That's right buddy, you just got Agent Starlinged. Deal with it.

Love and kisses and widdle gween fishes,

PS - You're all going to burn. Each and every last one of you.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Me see headline on Drudge today:


Me no have funny remark or profane Yeti quote. Bigfoot think headline speak for self.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Take these broken wings and learn to die

Me read about humans being scared of the bird flu, I guess lots of humans in the media have been writing many stories about it to get the attention of other humans (Goatsucker say that making people scared is a good way to sell newspapers and ad time which reaches the coveted 18-25 year-old male demographic).

Me think humans are getting all worked up over nothing. Bigfoot says relax! Me been reading up about the flu, and am happy to report the following:

1) You can only catch it by making the sex with a chicken who has the flu. And...

2) Only about 1/2 the humans who catch the flu have died.

Therefore, the worst-case scenario is that half of the humans who like making the sex with infected chickens will get sick. Those odds seem pretty good to Bigfoot! Me also think that risk of infection goes down if humans use a condo before making the sex with a chicken, which seem like common sense to Bigfoot.

Me also think that using a condo will also cut down on the chance of having a freak baby with the chicken and having to have an awkward conversation with your human family. Unless you want to make a freak baby, in which case you shouldn't use a condo, but then you might get sick. Life choices are funny that way.